Here’s the thing, YOU are the epi-centre of your business.  Your health, wellness & energy is injected into your business each and every day. 

In order to optimise your business you must also optimise you, not in a half arsed “self helpy kinda way” but in a kick ass impactful way!  

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Stories That Stifle Success

Stories That Stifle Success

As humans we are ridiculously good at spinning ourselves a yarn, a good old story that's full of explainations about why we aren't/can't doing certain things.  🙊 So, here's 5 Bullshit Stories That Are Keeping You Super Stuck 🙊   Deep down we know it's BS.   Deep down...

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What To Do When You’re Comparing Yourself To Others

What To Do When You’re Comparing Yourself To Others

If you're watching on and someone is making you feel the funk then I want you to STOP THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW!!!! It's not of your business what anyone else is doing (both literally and figuratively speaking).  I GET that it's easy to say - stop bloomin looking, it's none...

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Help, I’m Overwhelmed

Help, I’m Overwhelmed

OVERWHELM!  That bad boy is so so heavy.  Even saying the word out loud feels heavy but it's a ridiculously common condition.   Overwhelm can creep up from behind and it can bite you square on the ass, resulting in paralysis.  You simply can't see the way forward. ...

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Why The “All Or Nothing” Approach Rarely Brings Results

Why The “All Or Nothing” Approach Rarely Brings Results

So, I'm going to do all the things!  "RAH" is the warrior cry from within.  It's time to change EVERYTHING.  I can be a catalyst from a "fuck this shit,"  that vibrational undertone of "I'm done" or "I've had enough" or a "fuck it" which comes from a kinda feeling of...

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When You Just Aren’t Getting Results

When You Just Aren’t Getting Results

I get it. Everything doesn't always work out as planned. Sometimes it feels that no matter how hard you try things just ain't working out, I'd even go so far as to say the harder you try the stucker you get. It seems like everything is against you.  Is this just not...

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Want More Help?

Not only has Emma transformed my business but she has brought about a huge transformation in myself over the past two years. I have worked with Emma in a number of different ways, from being in her groups and online programmes to working with her 1-2-1, and she has helped me to find my purpose, reignite my passion and restructure my business.

With Emma’s help and support, I have found my own way of doing business and, in turn, I have been able to help hundreds of fellow business owners to build their businesses too… talk about a ripple effect!

Emma has helped me in so many ways it’s hard to sum it up but what I want to thank her for the most is believing in me when I didn’t get believe in myself and continuing to push me every day to keep doing better and achieving more.

As if that wasn’t life-changing enough, Emma has somehow managed to bring together a community of THE most extraordinary entrepreneurs and I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to be a part of that. I have met so many wonderful people through Emma and gained some incredible friends in the process. I really can’t thank you enough Emma! 

Beckie Coupe


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