Marketing law dictates that I tell you that it’s absolutely epic to work with me, that there’s absolutely no other options for you and that in fact I’m the bees knees (all totally true by the way 😂) BUT you know that and you don’t really care what I think it’s like to work with me now do you?! 

What you want is the juice from people who have done it, people who have got results and that once sat in your shoes right now, navigating the decision and wanting to make sure that they didn’t make the wrong choice.  

So, here’s the views of other, real life, Rockstars who have worked with me….

I got in touch with Emma initially, as I was ready for a chat to help me identify my blind spots and help me to clarify my plan for moving forward with my business and goal of 4 X’ing my turnover within the next year. My business was already doing really well financially, but I knew there was room for plenty more growth and I felt the need to brainstorm out some of my ideas with someone who really ‘gets it’.
I’ve followed Emma online for years, and she has always come across to me as someone with an awesome combination of oodles of creative energy, loads of online business savvy and a straight talking demeanour, so I knew she’s be the perfect coach for me to have a brainstorm with.
Within minutes of talking to Emma on our first session together, she cut straight to the heart of what I needed to do to break through my current income ceiling and to move up to the next level. She shone a clear light on the areas that I needed to brush up on and build upon, in order for me to reach my goal, and she took the time to understand my character and the way I do things, so that her suggestions and guidance were perfectly aligned with the kind of business owner I am.
I know that I’ve saved myself probably weeks, if not months of trying to figure out a specific problem on my own and I’m delighted to have this opportunity to work with Emma! 
Laura Jeffery

Digital Memberships Genuis, Recurring Revenue Rocks

My Rockstars Rock…

It’s going to help you to get from scared to savvy in no time flat if you are willing to jump in and apply what Emma has to tell you about building a business.

Emma has got the heart, vision and passion that can help you to move even the most mountainous blocks. She’ll hold your hand and help you to shine your light brightly on your own path to illuminate your purpose.

Working with her has changed everything in my business and therefore everything in my life, and the best part of all is that I am here – on task and on purpose, helping the people I am here to serve. Supernova changes lives – not just yours, but all of the people that are waiting for you to get your shit together and get out there in a big way.

Kate Spencer

Emma Holmes is the best in the business, totally down to earth and a truth giver and gives a you a good hard kick up the bum when needed my business would not be doing so amazingly well without her amazing support and help , a true business Goddess

Andrea Lancaster

Monday Morning Mentoring Sessions have revolutionised how I structure my week and I’m much more productive because of it.

I love the Monday Morning Meetings (in The Supernova Growth Capsule). They’re a great place to get my week in order. I know that Emma will ask me what I’ve got planned for the week, what I want to prioritise and how I’m going to manage my time (I’m great at overestimating what I’m able to do in the time I have).

The thing about working with Emma is she takes the time to really get to know you. Which means she loosely knows the routines and challenges in my household which may affect my working hours.

Emma’s great at uncovering and unpicking things that I may find make me feel stuck that week. She’ll also ask what’s my biggest frustration right now that I’m trying to overcome. I love that we get to spend a few minutes brainstorming blog and email headlines as well as strategies for the week ahead.

Part of the magic of the meetings is that they’re a group. I’ve got to know some fantastic ladies, add them to my network and even do Facebook Lives and guest blogs with them. They’re always there to pitch in and help answer questions or give their opinions on my posts/how I’m doing etc.

It’s fab that when you work with Emma, you get her village too. It’s fair to say the Monday Morning Mentoring Sessions have revolutionised how I structure my week and I’m much more productive because of it.

Holly Christie

Chief Website & Online Marketing Guru, This Demanding Life

I have followed Emma for about 3 years and started working with her at the beginning of January 2020. I had big plans and someone with a no BS approach to help me with weekly accountability to move forward. You can be so busy working IN the business that you do not take the time to work ON the business. Accountability is incredibly powerful as it is amazing what you do when someone is watching. Emma is a power house is incredibly intuitive and gifted with knowing the right thing for you and your business at that time. She is also a Life Path 1 in numerology 🙂 so she gets me on a deeper energetic level. With Emma’s support I am moving forward in my business by keeping an eye on the bigger prizes. Emma is insightful, quick, supportive and makes sure you look after you when you need to! her inner circle mastermind is a supportive place to ask anything and someone knows the answers – saving lots of time so you can move forward. Thank you for all your support.



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Emma is one of the few people I’ve ever met who can meet me on every level, and be able to nudge, encourage and kick my ass at all of them. She has an ability to help cut through the nonsense, and provide exactly what’s needed to grow and support my business or my Self, just when I need it. A never ending source of guidance and actionable steps forward – I highly recommend having Emma in your corner.


Emma has this innate ability to know exactly what you need, when you need it…whether that is the practical skills to run your business, a reframe on your mindset, or just a big kick up the ass!

Emma meets you exactly where you are, cuts through all of the BS that you tell yourself, and gives you actionable steps that will soon get you seeing results, feeling more confident, and loving your life and business, more than you ever thought possible.

Rebecca Ledger

Lavender Whisk

I have known Emma for a few years now, she is absolutely incredible. Her knowledge, skills, experiences, talents are just amazing, she is a very caring lady but also good at giving butt kicks when needed.

She holds me to action and makes darn sure I do what I say I am going to do in my business. Emma is my coach/mentor/butt kicker, I have worked in her groups and also as a 121 client of hers more recently when I became very stuck and got in my own way. Even us Coaches need someone to talk to, someone to be inspired by and often just to run ideas past.

Emma comes from a place of caring, a wealth of knowledge in not only setting up businesses, but taking them the extra mile, moving her clients from ‘stuck to unstoppable’.

She’s a fab lady and its a privilege to work with her. She’s a guiding light and voice of authenticity in a very noisy often cloudy world!

Anita McAloren

My colleague and I have been working with Emma on the 3 month mentoring program for just 4 weeks and the difference she has created for us is off the scale awesome.

We were looking for someone to help us clarify the next stage of our business development. We wanted to have a clear long term view with a short term plan to increase our market exposure and revenue. I wasn’t a 100% sure at first as we had worked with a couple of coaches before and felt the pressure to get this right. Emma seemed to tick the knowledge and personality boxes and so went with my gut and oh boy am I incredibly thankful I did.

The first session was like a breath of fresh air as Emma seemed to get me and the business immediately. It was like she could read what was inside my head and heart.

There was preparation and marketing plans and lots of following action. Nothing overwhelming as she paces us step by step. At the moment we speak weekly but she is always on hand to answer any questions and gets back to us in hours if not immediately. We share an easy to use on line planner so everything is recorded and translated into who needs to do what that week.

I feel as if we have another person working for us, she is passionate about what we are doing, is so energised and immensely knowledgable when it comes to her craft. I trust her 100% and know she is the absolutely the right person to help guide and mentor into our next phase.

When I first talked to Emma I asked what other clients would say about her and she said ‘I take the beating heart of the business, nurture it and make it beat louder. No matter how much you grow I will always remember the beating heart.’ I hope Emma will continue to beat with us for a very very long time.

Jill Wooton

Jill Wooton

Here’s a little feedback that’s fallen by my way this morning…

I feel like I’ve changed so much during the past couple of weeks, and just this morning I was talking to a friend on the phone and she said that I have changed massively, I was so happy when she said that! My mindset is totally different, I’ve become a doer rather than an overthinker, I’m more cheerful, I get up in the morning ready to take on the world, and I’m taking things in my stride rather than getting stressed.

I honestly never thought I could feel like this, I thought I was destined to be an anxious overthinker forever!

I’m sleeping much better, a consistent 7.5 hours a night, I’ve lost 4lb so far and I do not feel deprived, I’ve eaten all the things I love – I’ve still eaten bread!! I’ve followed weight loss plans in the past and I’ve always had to make a choice between cereals or bread unless I commit a “sin” …..now I have both and don’t give it a second thought 😃 my relationship with food is so much better, I no longer have the guilt when I have a little treat with my afternoon brew!

I just feel so much healthier, I almost feel lighter!

I’m so pleased I found you Emma, you’re exactly what I need in my life! Xxx

Rebecca Ledger

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