Last week a friend asked me “what’s the one thing that people most value from your NLP Diploma?”.

I couldn’t easily narrow it down to just one. Everyone arrives with their own personal reasons for participating, and each takes away a different “one thing of most value”.  So I thought about all the people who come to us to learn about NLP, and what each of them found to be their “one thing of most value”.  I’ve narrowed it down to three different strands.  Which one would you find of most value?

  1. Goal-setting and goal achievement shines out for many people. The NLP approach to goal setting gives you the chance to reflect on your goals in any or all areas of your life. By making your goals motivational you also increase your likelihood of achieving them. And exploring the common road-blocks that might prevent you from getting there helps to find ways of overcoming them. People love to go away fired up to achieve their personal and/or professional goals, and we hear back inspiring stories of the results that they achieve.
  2. Body language and non-verbal communication is another popular topic.  Nearly every participant on our NLP Diploma is blown away by the insights they gain from being able to read non-verbal signals fluently. On one of the first courses I ever taught, one participant nicknamed these “Jedi mind tricks”, and to be perfectly honest, that’s pretty close to the truth.  The signs are easily visible to everyone when you just learn what to look for, and what they mean.  Adding these skills to your repertoire pays huge dividends in how you communicate; how you build relationships; how you influence and persuade; and how you help yourself and others to achieve results.
  3. The final “one thing of most value” that constantly crops up for our participants is the realisation that other people think differently from them. We call this different “maps of the world”, and we teach ways to gain an insight into other people’s thought processes.  This discovery opens up all sorts of possibilities for changing and influencing perception, as you learn to step inside someone else’s point of view and experience the world the way that they experience it.

With these three “things of most value”, newcomers to NLP discover a new perception of your own world, and find that possibilities open up to you. And this paves the way to changing your experience of your world for the better.

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