The Flexible Working Pack

Feel like you never quite get it right

From tightly scripted routine to feeling as though your totally winging it? 

Time pressures seem ever present. 

Trying to blend business & family & actually having some time to do the things that you love?

Now, I’m not going to tell you that I work 3.6 second per week and make a gazillion pounds an hour whilst sipping cocktails on the beach because that’s business bullshit. BUT what I am going to tell you is that I’ve managed to crack the code to achieving a HUGE amount of productivity that has allowed me to work less than ever over the less 18 months and given me space to grow & evolve, have fun & adventures and moved away from being a slave to my desk and I want to share it with you too! 

Wanna know more….

So, What’s It All About?


A whole stack of resources that will help you to navigate working in a much more flexible way –  checklists, ebooks, cheatsheets to be more productive, lists, planners and a good old shit sorter (what is not to love about that). 

You can get your hands on your copy here 


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