by Emma Holmes | Beliefs, Blogging, Business, List, Marketing, Message, Sales, Selling, Social Media, Strategy, Video, Visibility
I’ve titled this article up with “where should I be marketing my business” but in reality it’s about communication! I know that lots of people tense up and feel quite uneasy with the word marketing and it feels like it’s all very salesy...
by Emma Holmes | Business, List
Building your list is super important when you are developing your online coaching, mentoring or training business. Your list is, what we would have referred to in the “olden days” as your database or rolodex of contacts. It is the people who have raised their hand...
by Emma Holmes | List, Marketing, Message, Strategy
I had a conversation this week with one of my Rockstars. One comment I wrote through an exchange on Facebook Messenger was; People can be so hostile to change I think change is really important. I think it’s important that we grow and we develop and it tied...
by Emma Holmes | List, Marketing, Strategy, Websites
Websites can be a right royal pain in the ass. They are a never ending project and they feel like they are never “done.” It’s important that you think your website through as well as continue to review the site as you grow as an individual and as a business. Keeping...