by Emma Holmes | Business, GREATEST HITS, Sales
There’s nothing more frustrating that feeling like you’re doing all the things and that you don’t have anything to show for it. All that effort that you’ve put in, you feel worn out and like there’s just no outcomes/results coming your...
by Emma Holmes | Front Page, GREATEST HITS, Mindset, You
Right then lovely, there’s nothing worse than the sad dawning that you are actually the one that’s standing between YOU & what you want. That flooding feeling that you’re the one who’s creating the dam in the, what could be, free flowing...
by Emma Holmes | Beliefs, GREATEST HITS, You
Let me start this with Skinny does not = success. You don’t have to change who you are to run your business or delay “getting out there” until things are just hunky dory. This isn’t about fat being bad and thin being good nor is it that...
by Emma Holmes | Beliefs, CCC, GREATEST HITS, You
Motivation! Yup, I’ll need to get motivated, I’ll do that once I’ve got the motivation, I won’t be able to do that because I am rubbish at motivating myself ~ blah blah blah blah blah. HOLD ON A SECOND. Stop waiting for motivation. Motivation...
by Emma Holmes | GREATEST HITS, Mindset, Pillar, You
This one totally breaks my heart to write but it’s so ridiculously true and uber common that I can’t ignore it. Self Employment Destroys Self Esteem. I know that for stacks of entrepreneurs they come into self employment scared, scared but excited...
by Emma Holmes | GREATEST HITS, Strategy, Woo Woo
WTF Is Mercury Retrograde? So, here’s the thing, the planets hurtle about in space all of the time and as the moon cycle has a massive impact on everything here so does the path of other amazing planets that are hanging out in our solar system with us. When a...